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mardi, 29 novembre 2005
Journée internationale
de la langue basque
Euskara has had its own International Day since 1948. Precisely, in the VII Eusko Ikaskuntza Congress held that year in Bayonne, Lapurdi, the following agreement was reached: "Une journée de la Langue Basque dans le monde entier sera celebrée une fois par an, le 3 décembre, jour de la fête de Saint-François Xavier, sous les auspices d'Eskualzaleen Biltzarra et d´Eusko Ikaskuntzen Lagunartea".
After a progressive decline, to the point of risking extinction, in a single generation, what is considered the Oldest Language in Europe has been able to reach out to the highest research circles after becoming a reality in the universities.
However, how can we triumph at the linguistic level which, because of competition often gets excluded? Euskara must be aware of its possibilities. Baring all of that in mind, the Basque society should carry out an adequate design for its language to make headway day after day. Working in favour of Euskara means reinforcing international cultural diversity, in collaboration with the rest of the languages.
The Basque language needs international aid because, on its own, it will be difficult for the Basque people to make their language survive. The International Euskara Day pretends to procure the support of all those people and entities who believe in universal cultural wealth.
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